Live ONE(라이브원): I.B.I(아이비아이)_'몰래몰래' 생중계 깜짝 인사말!(Invitation to I.B.I's MOLAE MOLAE Livecast)
Live ONE(라이브원): I.B.I(아이비아이)_'몰래몰래' 생중계 깜짝 인사말!(Invitation to I.B.I's MOLAE MOLAE Livecast)
Hello, this is 1theK. We are working on subtitles now!
Please come back and watch it again within a few hours.
Thank you for your waiting and continuing interest :)
*8월 17일 수요일 밤 11시 30분!
I.B.I의 타이틀곡 '몰래몰래'가 멜론/아지톡/1theK 카카오톡 플러스친구를 통해 생중계됩니다