Sweet Home, Sweet Honey | 우리집 꿀단지 | 我们家的蜜罐子 - Ep.109 (2016.04.12)
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Ep.109: Gukhui works too hard and passes out. Taeho manages to find Aran, but Aran pushes him away. She says it will best for them to get divorced. With Bom’s wedding coming up, Aran goes to Gukhui’s to ask the family for forgiveness but gets a chilly reception. Unaware of the surveillance camera, Gilsu plots to undermine Gukhui again.
专心工作的菊熙突然晕倒。 泰浩虽然找到了亚兰, 但亚兰却说分手是最佳方法,于是要离开泰浩。 泰浩也没法说服亚兰。 宝的婚礼即将举行,亚兰去找菊熙恕罪, 家人却漠不关心。 吉秀不知道自己被监视, 为了陷害菊熙,策划阴谋。
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